Resources for navigating politics

Resources for navigating politics

As the November general election gets closer, churches and church leaders cross their fingers that no major conflicts arise before, during, or after. Faith & Leadership offers a page dedicated to articles and resources for folks who could use them.
“Practice Advent as a Season of Preparation”

“Practice Advent as a Season of Preparation”

While many of us are just now getting ready for fall’s litany of falling leaves, football, and pumpkin spice everything, many churches are starting their planning for the season of Advent. In our go-go-go culture, it is easy to only think of Christmas and eschew...
A Church Offers Training in Faith and Finance

A Church Offers Training in Faith and Finance

One of the common yet least talked about issues in church’s today is financial literacy. We often assume how people earn, save, and spend is their business and their business alone; however, people in the pews – across all incomes – may not actually...
Churches Need Partners

Churches Need Partners

In a recent e-newsletter from Alban at Duke Divinity, editor Prince Rivers writes this: “During the heyday of American Christendom, you might have been able to make the case that congregations did a decent job of carrying out their mission without much...
Loving through failure

Loving through failure

Churches go through life cycles. They grow; they decline. They are started, and they close. Sometimes, following the life of the church is similar to following your favorite sports team where we are asked to support it even when it disappoints us. In this article in...