by Nick Baird-Chrisohon | Aug 8, 2023
Many churches find themselves in this situation: the pews are mostly filled with folks born before 1965, and those folks are desperate to gain younger members. They have many ideas that are meant to attract younger people, but oftentimes, those events don’t seem...
by Nick Baird-Chrisohon | Aug 4, 2023
Can churches enact real, systemic change? In one category – elimating food scarcity – David Allen highlights a group that believes they can make a big impact on food scarcity. A group of churches in North Carolina are partnering with farmers of color to...
by Nick Baird-Chrisohon | Aug 1, 2023
It may feel like a Nashville cliche for a church-related blog to talk about one of our hometown heroes, but sometimes churches must pay attention to what happens outside of our doors. No one in Nashville could escape the vast amounts of fans Taylor brought during her...
by Nick Baird-Chrisohon | Jul 28, 2023
Our friends at the Center for Healthy Churches released this discernment guide last week for Southern Baptist churches that are discerning their future in the denomination in the wake of recent conflict around churches that have women in leadership positions. This...
by Nick Baird-Chrisohon | Jul 25, 2023
Welcome to our summer series, “Interview with a Pastor.” This series will highlight some of the pastors and churches in Project Thrive as we journey together toward the final year of the Thriving Congregations Initiative. We are grateful for the pastors as they lead...
by Nick Baird-Chrisohon | Jul 22, 2023
Regardless of tradition, preaching takes a central role in many houses of worship, Whether you offer short homilies or take the majority of the service, there are ways to use the preaching moment to enhance engagement and boost worship. This article by the Lewis...
by Nick Baird-Chrisohon | Jul 19, 2023
There are a wide variety of opinions regarding “online only” worshippers, but the fact is, digital and online communities are an opportunity for ministry. This article by the Lewis Center for Church Leadership offers strategies for building better digital...
by Nick Baird-Chrisohon | Jul 15, 2023
Trust matters when building a church. Do those who visit trust your church has their best interests in mind? In this article on Church & Leadership, Bonnie Ives Marden highlights seven practical policies that your church can set to help establish trust with your...
by Nick Baird-Chrisohon | Jul 12, 2023
As churches fluctuate in size, it is easy to see “bigger as better,” but the vast majority of churches in the US are small-membership churches. Smaller churches come with their own challenges, especially when it comes to knowing who they are outside of...
by Nick Baird-Chrisohon | Jun 23, 2023
There is a current social and political war on education in the United States. One consequence of the politicization of education is the inherent rise of selective education and miseducation. For generations, black churches have provided a bulwark against miseducation...